
Some of my pictures and thoughts about them...

Click pictures for bigger and better versions

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Look who's there... A sunny autumn day we went for a walk in a nearby forest. Of course I took my camera and made some shots.

Somewhere hidden between bushes, a small stream and a recreational park is this small piece of land where several people have their 'gardens'. Most of those people live in appartment-buildings and thus have no garden with their house. They use these kind of spots for their hobby. Some grow all kinds of crops, others grow flowers. Most of them also have a small cabin to sit in and keep their stuff. The pictures below are from such a place.

Panorama; I made 7 different pictures and stitched them together. The original size is way too big [5,98 mb] and requires a lot of scrolling so its impossible to show it here. I may add another link later to show the bigger picture.

My feathered friends again...

There is much more to see when you look a little closer...

Just some shots...

small ship sailing silver stream


Colorful crops and flowers

Dancing pigeon...

Guess who...

Details of the old buildings around the harbour

The original...

Photoshop @ work, click to get a good view

Different ways of looking at the same object from different angles...